Healthy weight loss is a major topic of discussion and with good reason. During the past 20 years, the number of people classified as overweight or obese has more than tripled. These frightening statistics show how important it is that people are educated on healthy weight loss. The media is full of advertisements for crash diets and meal substitutes. However, experts say that the key to healthy weight loss is eating the right foods and taking regular exercise. Moreover, many suggest that crash diets can actually lead to weight gain in the long run. Healthy weight loss is about lifestyle changes. This means making a permanent change to the way you eat and exercise. Many people find rigid diet plans difficult to stick to leading to a yo-yo effect on their weight – constantly losing it and then putting it back on. Healthy weight loss needn’t be like this.
The main principles of healthy weight loss are:
- Eat a balanced diet: Ensure your diet includes all the major food groups and concentrate on eating fewer foods high in fat, sugar and salt. You should also increase your uptake of fruit, vegetables and healthy grains. By filling your plate up with lots of vegetables, you’ll find you still feel full but lose weight!
- Exercise, exercise, exercise! This doesn’t have to mean running or joining a gym. Walking for thirty minutes 3 times a week will help make you fitter and can lead to healthy weight loss. Find something you enjoy and you’ll be more likely to stick to it. Swimming, cycling, horse-riding, walking and keep-fit classes are some examples of great weight loss exercises.
- Drink more water! Many people mistake thirst for hunger, and increasing your uptake of water can help prevent this. Water is great as it helps flush out the toxins in your body and keeps your skin hydrated. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day can help towards achieving healthy weight loss.
- Changing the way you think about food. Many people eat for the wrong reasons, and this is why they gain weight. When you eat, think about your reasons, are you really hungry? Many people find they reach for ‘comfort foods’ when they are stressed, tired or bored. By becoming more aware of these patterns you can help break the cycle, and instead of reaching for chocolate try going for a walk or something else to distract yourself.
- Speak to a professional! If you feel you need to lose a large amount of weight or are unsure about the right plan for you, contact your doctor. Your weight is affected by more than just food, many health conditions can lead to a change in weight. Therefore, it is worth getting checked out and taking their advice on the best eating and exercise plan for you.
- Be patient! Healthy weight loss is not achieved overnight and should be a gradual process. Stick with your new changes and you should notice a gradual but permanent change in the way you look and feel.
Ricky Lake Weight Loss Success Story!!

In an interview with Us Magazine she says how she lost so much weight:
"I looked at the calendar after the movie The Business of Being Born got into the Tribeca Film Festival. I was so excited about people seeing the film, but I also wanted to feel great in my skin when I walked down the red carpet on April 29 2007. And I did. I started February 7. I was so committed. I just wanted people to notice me".

But everybody is questioning, How she lost too much weight?
Well, She starts with a food delivery program, Fresh Dining. She get her meals delivered in the morning. Calorie restriction is more healthier than doing exercise. She eat 1,200 calories per day. She control her portions foods. She ate more salads. Occasionally she drink a glass of wine, and eat only 1 peace of bread.
She never used a fitness trainer, She hate the gym so she do yoga and spinning.

Now she is following the most successful weight loss strategies to keep her weight and don't gain pounds again.
Valerie Bertinelli Success Weight Loss Story

Going public with her goal "is the motivation I need," Valerie Bertinelli says. "I need to do this in front of millions of people so I can't mess up."
"It is freeing because I can say it first: I know what you're thinking, I'm fat." she adds.

"Wolf is my priority," she says (Wolf is her son) . "I was a Hollywood hermit.", she admits, "I didn't like going up for interviews because I didn't want to hear how fat I am."
"I don't know how my size, 14, has become obese while size 0 is normal," she add. "It's insane. I'm not even going for a size 6. I'll be happy with a size 8."
In September 2008, the actress proudly said that in November 2007 it will be a year since she lost 40 pounds. She was in 132 pounds.
In March 2009 she appears in People Magazine out in public wearing a bikini, for the first time in nearly 30 years!!. Bertinelli down to 132 pounds in about 9 months.

"I thought, If I'm so afraid of a bikini, there’s something wrong. And so I had to get back into one!," Bertinelli says to PEOPLE.
After like a year of workouts and exercising on her losing weight, first walking 10,000 steps per day, Bertinelli search help for a personal trainer in December 2008. She was running five times per week.
She cut her limits calories from 1,700 to 1,200 calories, and drink her regular glass of champagne. "It was crunch time," Bertinelli says, "like getting ready for your class reunion!"
Bertinell add: "I never, ever, ever had deltoids!”, "Oh my God, when I'm doing exercises and I see them pop out, I'm like, Yes!" She now is in her best shape of her life.

She do Cardio workouts, ran for 30 to 45 minutes, and Strength training using resistance bands along with weights to do a series of alternating combinations of more than 2o push ups, 25 triceps dips, step ups, 30 squats and like 100 sit ups.
Nick Carter Weight Loss Story

Do you remember how he was?
Nick was tipping the scale at 224 pounds in 2006, while on his reality series, House of Carters. But he realized it was time to get in shape. He was depressed. “I’d become depressed,” he says. “Something deep down inside of me said, I’m tired of being this person, and I’m a good-looking guy!”

“I wanted to feel good, dance again and wear clothes I couldn’t before,” says Carter, because his goal weight was 175 pounds. Carter says, “This is the least I’ve weighed since I was 16!”
First Nick Carter went to the gym to lift weights and use the elliptical machine 6 days a week. Then, he start working with the professional trainer Mike Hazard. He work with him 5 days a week for an hour doing boxing, cardio workouts and weights.

Nicole Richie Dramatic Changes

In 2003 she was acting in the reality show, The Simple Life with Paris Hilton. After she was arrested for problems with drugs, Nicole Richie found herself in rehab.
Then she was accused to be too thin and became a style icon. In 2006 she star their show The Simple Life fifth season and before that she was reconciled with Paris Hilton.

See what she said "I know I'm too thin right now, so I wouldn't want any young girl looking at me and saying, 'That's what I want to look like,' " Richie tells Vanity Fair in its June 2005 issue. "I do know that they will, which is another reason I really do need to do something about it. I'm not happy with the way I look right now."
She said she is doing an effort to put gain a few pounds, Nicole Richie says she forced herself to eat food with high calories like burritos, but she need professional help. "I started seeing a nutritionist and a doctor. I was scared that it could be something more serious."
According to Nicole when she spoke to Vanity Fair magazine, her break up with DJ AM affects in her massive weight loss. Whilst I'm all for making men culpable for almost everything wrong with the world, I'm not quite buying that story.
She then went on the Tyra Banks show and said that everything was because she was too stressed. She also sayd “A lot of people gain weight under stress and I lose it... I know the photographers are following me every day... they're looking for something wrong and that doesn't feel good at all". Do you believe it?

But, Nowadays Nicole is doing better, at least in the sense that she is no longer loosing weight. I'm not sure she had any more weight to loose really.
Please Eat more, Well excepting if you are overweight, in that case, eat less, and healthy.
Colin Farrel Dramatically Weight Loss Story
OMGG!! Colin Farrell lose 40 Pounds!. I don't like the way he looks, he looks anorexic. Well, here is his weight loss story.
Collin Farrell look so thin, but Why?, well in a conference at Spain, the reporters was in shock with his appearance, and obviously Colin Farrell said:"I lost weight because my role demanded it". "It was all very healthy."
Colin Farrel was inspired with the Scott Anderson novel to do his dramatic weight loss: "He went to the bathroom to shave. Once his beard was gone he saw that his face had become drawn. He pressed at the hollows beneath his eyes, the pronounced nubs of his cheekbones."
Farrell was 5 weeks in Alicante, Spain, filming Triage, in which he plays a war reporter in Bosnia in the early 1990s.
Farrell never say How he lose weight.
Courtney Love Lost 44 Pounds!

But Courtney lost 44 lbs in 4 months, I was shocked. Courtney credited a strict diet of fish, steamed vegetables, and diet shakes for the weight loss.
But, do you believe her? I’m not sure. I think She lose weight in the unhealthy way. After all, once a partyer, always a partyier. I heard rumors about she took Aderol daily to doesn't fell hungry. I don’t think this body makeover was due to good old fashioned diet and exercize. Because clearly she wasn’t just trying to make her body more healthy she aimed to revamp her entire image: evidence by the nose job, face lift, and hair extensions.
Kristen Johnston Lost 60 Pounds!

Kristen Johnston is now a super skinny person who has lost 60 pounds!!. Johnston is best known for her role on TV’s Third Rock From the Sun, but has also appeared in a number of films including the January premiere Bride Wars where she work with Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson.
She take the decision to weight loss, when she was hospitalized with a bleeding ulcer. She Said I'm going to stop drinking and start to eat healthier.
I loved the way she looks. She looks so Gorgeous. The picture above show an unrecognizable Kristen Johnston at a PETA event in New York.
Kristen Johnston shock us with her surprising photos which showed a different an slimmed down Kristen. She Lost 60 pounds!. I know, now you are asking but how did she do it? She stay away for the pizzas and the alcohol. Obviously it was good, very good for Kristen. She added in her foods more vegetables, oatmeal, salads with salmon.
She said that her TV schedule influences in her unhealthy eating, "After a show, you’re so hopped up you have a couple of drinks with friends," she said to PEOPLE. "Yeah, I’ll stay for another round! That, plus a diet of pizza, BLTs and fries, dinner at 11 p.m. I was miserable." She added.
Now is obviously her more skinnier and sexy body than it was years ago. She looks a lot of years younger.
“When actresses lose weight, people can think they are anorexic. It is important to me to say that is not the case here,” says Johnston acknowledging that she lost more than 60 pounds in the last year and a half in PEOPLE.
“I think it looks great. I feel amazing,” says Johnston in the latest PEOPLE. “I no longer stress about my body. I’m in a happy place.”
The Kristen help words is that you have to concentrate more on your health and the weight loss will come naturally.
Janet Jackson Weight Loss Success Story

Her weight loss story was published in the US Weekly magazine. Janet Jackson's weight loss is dramatic and fantastic, but the things that she has to say is more interesting.
Like too much other people, she gained weight because she eat whatever she wants to eat and that is not the point. She was so bad, that she thinks she could not wear her jewelry, also her stomach was big and her ankles were in pain, and just getting around was a challenge for her.
According to Jackson, she did not use fat burners and in the article she said “I hate, I can’t say it enough, I hate working out.”
I know, now you are thinking, how did Janet Jackson get back in shape?, Well the answer of this is she was consistent with her diet, she used a food delivery service. This enabled her to eat balanced meals, four to five times a day.
Although she doesn't like workouts, but with the help of her personal trainer’s creativity, she did up to 45 minutes of cardio, sumo squats and backward walking lunges.
Of course her workouts routines change daily, for example one day walking on a beach, the second day going up the stairs, the third boxing, etc. All of those are cardio workouts.
Also you are asking, Did she eat something not permitted on her diet? Jackson says she did some cheating. She loves sushi, but when she ate out with her friends, she had sashimi. Even if she had some sushi, I would not call it cheating.
She loves soul food, pasta, catfish, and candied yams, only like you, but all these delights foods were obviously out on her diet, except few occasions she can eated but only few occassions.
Janet Jackson’s weight loss tips are: Sleep enough (8 hours), eat regularly not disorder, take care about the portions of food, and off curse don't eat junk food.
Jackson ate at least four meals a day, between 1,150 to 1,450 calories. During her dieting, she did not eat any processed foods, white sugar, or white flour. She eliminate the alcohol and sodas in her menu diet.
According to the article, her sample menus look like this.
Breakfast: 6 egg whites, 1/3 cup of oatmeal
Lunch: chicken breast (4oz), organic salad
Snack: grilled shrimp (3oz), mixed veggies (1 cup)
Dinner: filet mignon (4oz), grilled asparagus (15)
Breakfast: 6 egg whites, chicken sausage (3oz)
Lunch: grilled chicken (4oz), baked yam, steamed green beans
Snack: turkey breast (3oz), butternut squash (1 cup)
Dinner: grilled salmon (4oz), couscous, grilled veggie
Kathy Ireland's Shocking Weight Gain and Loss

This picture was found by the former Sports Illustrated.
Kathie Ireland of course comment about her photo and she tells to the Magazine PEOPL

If you don't know, she write books. In her latest book, Real Solutions for Busy Moms, She talks about how mothers think more about everybody else needs before their own.
She also said "I was not making enough time to take care of me,".
Ireland runs a mentoring program for single teen mothers.
Ireland was helped by one of her friends who was a personal trainer but later a nutritionist. With the healthier food choices, cutting down desserts and snacks and 3 excercise session per week, she feel too much better, because she weight loss.
"I want to be healthy, to be there for my husband and my kids.", Ireland words.
10 Diet Tips for Summer

- Eat five times per day. This doesn’t mean to eat five full plates in a day, NOT, this mean that you have to eat the 3 normal foods and the other two can be snacks. The foods can be like this, first breakfast, then lunch, in the afternoon snack, then dinner and one more evening snack. This is going to speed up your metabolism and prevent your body from going into starvation mode, which causes the body to store fat for future energy.
- Drink 8-10 glasses of water, and only water, every day. Try to don't drink sugary drinks or juices. Drink WATER!, substitute all of those for water. Not only you are going to save money also you are going to loose weight, and helps you to eat less because the water fills you up. So before you devour your long-awaited lunch, chug a full glass of water.
- Interval train to save time and burn more fat. Don’t spend hours at the gym to get in shape, switch to interval training for better results and less time on your cardio machine. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, more calories are burned in short, high intensity exercises. Studies have shown that interval training can help “increase your metabolism, burn calories from fat and carbohydrates, and keep burning calories long after you finish exercising.” For instance, if you like to run for your cardio workout, try alternating jogging and sprinting in two-minute increments. You’ll be surprised at how fast the time goes by compared to your old, long and slow endurance routine.
- Exercise as soon as you wake up. This mean that Before you go to the refrigerator to eat the breakfast, before that do like 5 minutes of workout in the morning. This is the perfect time to burn fat instead of carbohydrates because your body has been fasting throughout the night, creating a depletion of glycogen (stored carbohydrate) and lower blood sugar, And also if you do workouts in the morning, you not only burn fat during your workout but at an accelerated rate for hours after.
- Choose wheat instead of white. It’s no secret that whole grain/wheat is healthier than white bread. But how can this help you lose weight? Whole grain and whole wheat carbs contain much more fiber than white carbs. This magical ingredient suppresses your appetite, increases your rate of digestion and improves intestinal health. So stop by your nearest Trader Joe’s, where everything from pasta to pizza dough can be found in whole wheat/grain.
- Stretch every day. You are asking why dancers and avid yoga practitioners are so slim an plane? Here is the answer. Stretching helps elongate our muscles, so if you exercise, have in mind and be sure to stretch for at least half of the time of your workout.
- “It takes fat to burn fat.” Sounds like an oxymoron, but actually “good fats” (monounsaturated fats), which are found in olive oil, avocados, nuts and omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, help control your insulin levels, slow down carbohydrates rate of entry into the blood stream and sends a signal to your brain to stop eating.
- Eat Breakfast!!! A common misconception is to skip breakfast to cut daily calories. But actually, studies show that the people who eat breakfast weigh less than the other who skip. According to Meal Matter nutrition, “when you skip breakfast, your metabolic rate slows down and your blood sugar drops. As a result, you become hungry and have less energy. This sets you up to impulsively snack in the morning - often on high-fat sweets - or to eat extra servings or bigger portions at lunch or dinner.When you eat breakfast, your body feels nourished and satisfied, making you less likely to overeat the rest of the day.”
- Eat these sweets, consume less sugar. With all the new caffeinated drink coming out each season, coffee is more like a liquid dessert than an energy booster. If you don’t like the plain coffee or green tea, you can choose Starbucks Skinny Latte, which contains only 90 calories, zero grams of fat and use sugar free syrup. For a cookie, you can choose South Beach Diet's cookies and meal bars. This also don't have grams of sugar and are low in calories.
- Take home leftovers when dining out. It’s hard to decide to diet when there are so many delicious Valley eateries serving up mouth watering, and practically euphoric dishes. Don’t feel bad, just be sure to take at least 1/3 of it home for later.
Best Weight Loss Stories

Welcome and Thanks so much for visiting my Blog. In this site, I’m going to write all the days about all the inspiring WOW, and famous, celebrity’s weight loss stories.
My main goal here is to search in all the web and bring here inspiring stories of weight loss stories, also pictures and all of those stuffs. Some of the stories are going to be on celebrity weight loss but also regular people weight loss.
Also you can help me. If you know about any inspiring examples of weight loss stories, please contact me to
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